Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Facts about Internet part V

A hippopotamus can run faster than a man can.
A Holstein's spots are like a fingerprint or snowflake. No two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots.
A honey bee must tap two million flowers to make one pound of honey
A honey bee travels an estimated 43,000 miles to gather one pound of honey. A pound of honey consists of 29,184 drops.
A honeybee can fly at fifteen miles per hour.
A horse can sleep standing up.
A Horse has 18 more bones than a Human.
A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day.
A human has a bone just after the spine ends, which helps proves that humans once had tails (possibly).
A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated.
A human's scent membrane in the nose is about the size of a postage stamp. A dog's is about the size of a handkerchief. It's olfactory lobe is also 4 times that of a humanThanx liz chell
A humming bird flaps its wings up to 90 times in one second or over 5000 times a minute.
A hummingbird weighs less than a penny


Facts oabout Internet part IV

27% of U.S. male college students believe life is "a meaningless existential hell."
3% of all mammals are monogamous
315 entries in Webster's 1996 dictionary were misspelled.
315 words in the 1996 Webster's dictionary were mispelled.
4 tablespoons of ketchup has about the same amount of nutrition as a ripe tomato.
40% of all people who come to a party snoop in your medicine cabinet.
40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
43.7% of all statistics are made up right on the spot
48% of astronauts experience motion sickness.
52% of Americans drink coffee.
55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.
56,000,000 people go to Major League baseball games each year
67 million pounds of pesticides and about 3 million tons of fertilizer are used annually on lawns in the US.
78 rpm albums, used prior to 1948, were only capable of recording for four minutes. It wasn’t until later that year that Columbia Records introduced 33 rpm albums capable of playing 23 minutes per side.
80% of animals on earth are insects.
80% of arrested criminals are male.
In Disney's Fantasia, the Sorcerer to whom Mickey played an apprentice was named Yensid, which is Disney spelled backward.
By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
One in ten people live on an island.
84% of a raw apple is water.
It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.
85% of men who die of heartattacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives.
85,000,000 tons of paper are used in the United States each year.
28% of Africa is classified as wilderness. In North America, its 38%.
Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
90% of bird species are monogamous; only 3% of animals are.
90% of New York City cab drivers are recently arrived immigrants.
98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.
98% of the weight of water is made up from oxygen.
99% of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as jack-o-lanterns.
A "2 by 4" is really 1 1/2 by 3 1/2.
A "Blue Moon" is the second full moon in a calendar month (it is rarely blue).
A "hairbreadth away" is 1/48 of an inch.
A "jiffy" is actually a proper time unit for 1/100th of a second
A "quidnunc" is a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip.
A 1,200-pound horse eats about seven times it's own weight each year.
A 1.5 oz. milk chocolate bar has only 220 calories. A 1.75 oz. serving of potato chips has 230 calories.
A 10-gallon hat actually only holds about 3/4 gallon.
A 14-year old French girl had extraordinary electrical power. With a gentle touch she could knock over heavy pieces of furniture and people in physical contact with her received an electrical shock.
A 17 year old girl from Miami, Florida started to sneeze on 4th January'66 ant continued till 8th June'66.
A 6 pound sea-hare can lay 40,000eggs in a single minute.
A 7-year study, which concluded in the summer of 2000, found that 33 U.S. deaths were caused by rottweilers, pit bulls were responsible for 27 deaths.
A acre of coffee trees can produce up to 10,000 pounds of coffee cherries. That amounts to approximately 2000 pounds of beans after hulling or milling.
A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.
A Baboon called "Jackie" became a private in the South African army in World War I.
A bat is the only mammal that flies.
A bathometer is an instrument for indicating the depth of the sea beneath a moving vessel.
A bean has more DNA per cell than a human cell
A bee could travel 4 million miles (6.5 million km) at 7 mph (11 km/h) on the energy it would obtain from 1 gallon (3.785 liters) of nectar, or it could just sit down on and enjoy that honey properly.
A beaver's teeth never stop growing.
A bibliophile is a collector of rare books. A bibliopole is a seller of rare books.
A bird requires more food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat.
A Blue Earth, Minnesota, law declares that no child under the age of twelve may talk over the telephone unless monitored by a parent.
A blue whales heart only beats nine times per minute.
A body decomposes four times as fast in water than on land.
A Boeing 747's wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.
A bowling pin only needs to tilt 7.5 degrees to fall.
A broken clock is right at least twice a day.
A butterfly can look at you through 12,000 eyes.
A Californian doctor has set the record of eating 17 bananas in two minutes.
A Canadian tattoo artist had 4,831 tattoos on his body.
A capon is a castrated rooster.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
A cat has 4 rows of whiskers.
A cat uses it's whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through.
A chameleon can move its eyes in two directions at the same time.
A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body.
A Cheetah at full speed takes strides of 8 meters.
A cheetah is the fastest animal, clocked in at: 70mph.
A chef's hat is tall and balloons at the top so as to counteract the intense heat in the kitchen. The unique shape allows air to circulate around the scalp, keeping the head cool.
A Chicago law forbids eating in a place that is on fire.
A chicken who just lost its head can run the length of a football field before dropping dead.
A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't.
A citizen of Calcutta, India , grew the fingernails on his left hand to a length of 76 inches.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.
A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death.
A cockroaches favorite food is the glue on the back of stamps.
A company, Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song "Happy Birthday".
A Cornish game hen is really a young chicken, usually 5 to 6 weeks of age, that weighs no more than 2 pounds.
A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph.
A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
A cow produces 200 times more gas a day than a person.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
A crocodiles tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth.
A cucumber is 96% water.
A Dalmatian is the only dog that can get gout.
A day on the planet Mercury is twice as long as its year.
A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
A dentist invented the Electric Chair.
A device invented sometime around the time of the birth of Jesus as a primitive steam engine by the Greek engineer Hero is used today as a rotating sprinkler.
A diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it is intense heat.
A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A quarter has 119.
A dog can hear high frequency sounds, which a human ear cannot.
A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule will not.
A dragonfly can fly 25 mph.
A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
A dragonfly is also known as "devil's darning needle", "horse stinger" and "devil's steelyard".
A Fag is to work hard or to tire by strenuous activity and cigarettes are sometimes called Fags
A fagot is a bundle of sticks or a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature.
A father Emperor penguin withstands the Antarctic cold for 60 days or more to protect his eggs, which he keeps on his feet, covered with a feathered flap. During this entire time he doesn't eat a thing. Most father penguins lose about 25 pounds while they wait for their babies to hatch. Afterward, they feed the chicks a special liquid from their throats. When the mother penguins return to care for the young, the fathers go to sea to eat and rest.
A father sea catfish keeps the eggs of his young in his mouth until they are ready to hatch. He will not eat until his young are born, which may take several weeks.
A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.
A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.
A female swine or sow will always have an even number of teats or nipples.
A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.
A fish's memory span is 3 seconds.
A five and a half year old weighing 250 pounds was exhibited at a meeting of the Physical Society of Vienna on December 4, 1894. She ate a normal diet and was otherwise in good health. The problem: she wasn't able to sweat.
A flea can jump 350 times is own body length. ( jumping the length of a soccer field)thanx seraph
A flock of sheep grazed during Woodrow Wilson's term. Their wool was sold to raise money for the Red Cross during World War I.
A fly always jumps backwards for a quick getaway when you try to hit it.
A fly hums in the middle octave, key F.
A foal is a baby horse.
A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.
A full-grown bear can run as fast as a horse.
A full-grown pumpkin has about 15 miles of roots.
A ghost writer pens an anonymous book.
A giant squid has eyes that can grow up to 20 inches in diameter. (Now think of how big your computer screen is..)
A giraffe and rat can go longer without water than a camel can.
A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. i know some people who can do some amazing stuff too.
A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds.
A googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Mathematician Edward Kasner supposedly asked his nephew Milton Sirotta to suggest a name for the number, and he came up with this word.
A grasshopper needs a minimum temperature of 62 degrees Fahrenheit in order to be able to hop.
A group od geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group in the air is a skein.
A group of crows is called a murder.
A hamlet is a village without a church and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral.
A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.
A healthy (non-colorblind) human eye can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.
A healthy individual releases 3.5 oz. of gas in a single flatulent emission, or about 17 oz. in a day.
A hedgehog's heart beats 190 times a minute on average and drops to only 20 beats per minute during hibernation.
A hedgehog's skin is so tough that when they get run over, its entrails come out of its mouth and its ass.
A herd of forty-five thirsty, rambunctious elephants stampeded into a brewery in Midnapore, where they smashed vats and slurped up beer in a bender that went on for two days.
A hinny is the offspring of a female donkey.

Facts about Internet part III

1 kg (2.2 pounds) of lemons contain more sugar than 1 kg of strawberries.
1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire are strung across the Unites States.
1.7 litres of saliva is produced each day. In Discovery Channel, its a quart.
10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.
10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria
11% of the world is left-handed.
111, 111, 111 X 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321
1200 equals 1 pound (72 rupees).
123,000,000 cars are being driven on highways in the United States.
166,875,000,000 pieces of mail are delivered each year in the United States.
1959's A Raisin in the Sun was the first play by a black woman to be produced on Broadway.
2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5.
203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
22,000 checks will be deducted from the wrong bank accounts in the next hour.
23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks.
25% of a human's bones are in its feet.
259200 people die every day.

Facts about Internet part II

"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
"Duff" is the decaying organic matter found on a forest floor.
"Fickleheaded" and "fiddledeedee" are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet.
"Asthma" and "isthmi" are the only six-letter words that begin and end with a vowel and have no other vowels between.
"Fortnight" is a contraction of "fourteen nights." In the US "two weeks" is more commonly used.
"Forty" is the only number which has its letters in alphabetical order. "One" is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order.
"Four" is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number.
"Hang on Sloopy" is the official rock song of Ohio.
"Happy Birthday" was the first song to be performed in outer space, sung by the Apollo IX astronauts on March 8, 1969.
"Kemo Sabe", meaning an all knowing one, is actually a mispronunciation by Native American of the Spanish phrase, Quien lo Sabe, meaning one who knows."
The lunula is the half-moon shaped pale area at the bottom of finger nails.
"Ma is as selfless as I am" can be read the same way backwards. If you take away all the spaces you can see that all the letters can be spelled out both ways.
"Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song.
"One thousand" contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A.
"Ough" can be pronounced in eight different ways. The following sentence contains them all: "A rough-coated, dough-faced ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough, coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.
"Rhythms" is the longest English word without the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.
"Second string," meaning "replacement or backup," comes from the middle ages. An archer always carried a second string in case the one on his bow broke.
"Speak of the Devil" is short for "Speak of the Devil and he shall come". It was believed that if you spoke about the Devil it would attract his attention. That's why when you're talking about someone and they show up people say "Speak of the Devil."
"Stewardesses" is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand.
"Tautonyms" are scientific names for which the genus and species are the same.
"Taxi" is spelled exactly the same in English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, and Dutch.
"Teh" means "cool" in Thai. (Pronounced "tay").
"The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in English.
"THEREIN" is a seven-letter word that contains thirteen words spelled using consecutive letters: the, he, her, er, here, I, there, ere, rein, re, in, therein, and herein.
"Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters "und." $203,000,000 is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
1 and 2 are the only numbers where they are values of the numbers of the factors they have.
1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue.

Facts on Internet part I

Facetious and abstemious are the only words that contain all the vowels in the correct order.

"Adcomsubordcomphibspac" is the longest acronym. It is a Navy term standing for Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command.

"Almost" is the longest commonly used word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

"Flushable" toilets were in use in ancient Rome.

"Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson was the first video to air on MTV by a black artist.

Facts about Facebook

Company Figures

1. More than 400 million active users
2. 50% active users log on to Facebook in any given day
3. More than 35 million users update their status each day
4. More than 55 million status updates posted each day
5. More than 2.5 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
6. More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week
7. More than 3.5 million events created each month
8. More than 1.6 million active Pages on Facebook
9. More than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook
10. Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans

Average User Figures

11. Average user has 130 friends on the site
12. Average user sends 8 friend requests per month
13. Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook
14. Average user clicks the Like button on 9 pieces of content each month
15. Average user writes 25 comments on Facebook content each month
16. Average user becomes a fan of 2 Pages each month
17. Average user is invited to 3 events per month
18. Average user is a member of 12 groups

International Growth

19. More than 70 translations available on the site
20. About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States
21. Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application


22. More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries
23. Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications
24. More than 500,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform
25. More than 250 applications have more than one million monthly active users
26. More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008
27. More than 60 million Facebook users engage with Facebook Connect on external websites every month
28. Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have implemented Facebook Connect

Cricket Records

  • In 1868, when Australia first toured England under Charles Lawrence to play cricket, each player was wearing a different coloured cap so that the spectators could identify them.

  • The only man to score two test triple centuries is Brian Lara. He scored 375 runs playing against England in 1994. In 2004, Mathew Hayden of Australia broke Lara's world record with 380 against Zimbabwe in Perth 2003. Lara reclaimed the record with a massive 400 not out against England in Antigua 2004.

  • The first Test match began on 15 March 1877 and had a timeless format with four balls per over. It ended on 19 March 1877 with Australia winning by 45 runs.

  • England’s Alfred Shaw was the bowler to bowl the first delivery in a Test match. He took 3 wickets in the first innings and 5 in the second.

  • England’s Allen Hill had both the first Test wicket and the first catch. He dismissed Nat Thomson for 1.

  • Australia’s Charles Bannerman faced the first delivery in a Test match and he also went on to be the first Test centurion.

  • Charles Bannerman scored 165 in his first Test innings and was retired hurt. Incidentally, he did not take field. W.Newing fielded for him, thus becoming the first substitute fielder in Test cricket.

  • Australia’s W E Midwinter became the first bowler to get a 5 wicket haul in a Test innings. He dismissed 5 English batsmen in his 54 over spell in the first Test ever played.

  • C A Reid and R B Terry were the two on-field officials or umpires for the first ever Test match in the history of cricket.

  • Noone has completed an innings at the score of 228!

  • South Africans were the first to introduce TV run outs!

  • Graham Yallop, in 1978 was the first man to wear a helmet!

  • Wasim Akram is the first (an only?) man to perform a hat-trick in both one days and tests!

  • England and Australia played the first ever one day international at Melbourne in 1971!

  • Sachin Tendulkar was the first victim of the third umpire in a Test match.

  • Hollywood actor Russell Crowe is Martin Crowe's cousin!

  • Sourav Ganguly is the only cricketer to have won four successive Man of the Match awards in One-day Internationals.

  • The first Twenty20 international was between Australia and New Zealand in 2005.

  • The Test match between England and South Africa at Durban in 1939 was finally abandoned as a draw on the tenth day because England players had to catch their ship home.

  • The First Test between Young Sri Lanka and Young England at Columbo in 1987 was held up when a large iguana crept across the wicket.

  • Pakistan Railways beat Dera Ismail Khan by an innings and 851 runs in 1964. In reply to the railwaymens 910 for 6 declared, Dera Ismail Khan were bowled out for 32 and 27.

  • Mohammed Azharruddin is the only player in the history of Test cricket to score a century in each of his first three tests.

  • India is the only international team to be dismissed twice in a single day of test match cricket. They were dismissed for 58 and 82 against England in 1952.

  • M.L.Jaisimha of India was the first batsman to bat on all five days of a Test.

  • India had to wait for a period of 19 years & 230 days before registering its first victory.

  • The legendary captain of the West Indies, Clive Lloyd was the first captain to win 25 Test Matches.

  • Narendra Hirwani took 16 wickets on his debut versus West Indies.

  • Allen Hill was the first player to hold a catch in Test cricket.

  • Sunil Gavaskar has featured in a record 52 century partnerships.

  • Greg Chappell hit a century both on his debut and his final match.

Letters from Allama Iqbal to Quaid-e-Azam

23rd May, 1936

Dear Mr. Jinnah,

Thank you so much for your letter which I received a moment ago. I am glad to see that your work is progressing. I do hope that the Punjab parties-specially the Ahrar and the Ittihad Millat-will eventually, after some bickering, join you. A very enthusiastic and active member of the Ittihad told me so a few days ago. About M. Zafar Ali Khan the Ittihad people do not themselves feel sure. However there is plenty of time yet, and we shall soon see how the electorate generally feels about the Ittihad sending their men to the Assembly.

Hoping you are well and looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal



9th June, 1936

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

I am sending you my draft. Also a cutting from the Eastern Times of yesterday. This is a letter from an Intelligent Pleader of Guradspur.

I hope the statement issued by the Board will fully argue the whole scheme and will meet all the objection is so far advanced against it. It must frankly state as present position of the Indian Muliins as regards both the Government and the Hindus. It must warn the Muslims of India that unless the present scheme is adopted the Muslims will lose all that they have gained during the last 15 years and will seriously harm, and in fact, shatter their own solidarity with their own hands.

Yours etc.,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal

p.s. Will feel much obliged if you send the statement to me before it is sent to the press.

Another point which should be brought out in the statement is as follows:

1. Indirect election to the Central Assembly has made it absolutely essential that Muslim representatives returned to the Provincial Assemblies should be bound by an All-India Muslim policy and programme so that they should return to the Central Assembly only those Muslims who would be pledged to support the specific Muslim questions connected with the Central subjects and arising out of their position as the Second great nation of India. Those who are now for Provincial policies and programme were themselves instrumental in getting in direct elections for the Central Assembly introduced into the constitution obviously because this suited a foreign Government. Now when the community wants to make the best use of this misfortune (i.e indirect elections) by proposing an all-India scheme of elections (e.g. League scheme) to be adhered to by the Provincial candidates the same men, again, at the instance of a foreign Government have come out to defeat the community in their effort to retain its solidarity as a nation.

2. Question of Wakf Law arising out of Shahidganj, culture, language, mosque and personal law.

Private and Confidential,



25th June 1936

My dear Mr. Jinnah

Sir Sikandar Hayat left Lahore a day or two ago. I think he will meet you at Bombay and have a talk with you about certain matters of importance. Daultana saw me yesterday evening. He tells me that the Muslim members of the Unionist Party are prepared to make the following declaration

“That in all matters specific to the Muslim community as an all-India minority they will be bound by the decision of the League and will never make any pact with any nom-Muslims group in the Provincial Assembly.”

“Provided the League (Provincial) makes the following declaration:

That those returned to the Provincial Assembly on the League ticket will co-operate with that party or group which has the largest number of Muslims’.”

Please let me know at your earliest convenience what you think of this proposal. Also let me know the result of your talk with Sir Sikandar Hayat. If you succeed in convincing him he may come to our side.

Hoping you are well,

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal

Mayo Road, Lahore


23rd August, 1936

M dear Mr. Jinnah,

I hope my letter reached you all right. There is some talk of an understanding between the Punjab Parliamentary Bard and the Unionist Party. I should like you to let me know what you think of such a compromise and to suggest conditions for the same. I read in the papers that you have brought about a compromise between the Bengal Proja Party and the Parliamentary Board. I should like to know the terms and the conditions. Since the Proja Party is non-communal like the Unionist, your compromise in Bengal may be helpful to you.

Hoping you are well,

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal

Strictly Confidential.


20th March 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah

I suppose you have read Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s address to the All-India National Convention and that you fully realise the policy under-lying it in so far as Indian Muslims are concerned. I believe you are also aware that the new constitution has at least bought a unique opportunity Indian Muslims for self-organisation in view of the future political developments both in India and Muslim Asia. While we re ready to co-operate with other Progressive Parties in the country, we must not ignore the fact that the whole future of Islam as a moral and political force in Asia rests very largely on a complete organisation of Indian Muslims. I therefore suggest that an effective reply should be given to the All-India National Convention. You should immediately hold an All-India Muslim Convention in Delhi to which you should invite members of the new Provincial Assemblies as well as other prominent Muslim leaders. To this convention you must restate as clearly and as strongly as possible the political objective of the Indian Muslims as a distinct political unit in the country. It is absolutely necessary to tell the world both inside and outside India that the economic problem is not the only problem in the country. From the Muslim point of view the cultural problem is of much greater consequence to most Indian Muslims. At any rate it is not less important than the economic problem. If you could hold this Convention, it would test the credentials of those Muslim Legislators who have formed parties contrary to the aims and aspirations of Indian Muslims. It would farther make it clear to the Hindus that no political device, however subtle can make the Indian Muslim lose sight of his cultural enilty. I am coming to Delhi in a few days time and hope to have a talk with you on this important matter. I shall be staying in the Afghan Consulate. If you could spare a few moments we should meet there. Please drop a line in reply to this letter a early as possible.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal


p. s. Please excuse me. I have got this letter written by a friend as my eyesight is getting bad.


22nd April 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah

I do not know whether my letter which I posted to you about two weeks ago ever reached you. I posted it to your address at New Delhi and when I went to Delhi later I discovered that you had already left Delhi. In that letter I proposed that we should hold immediately an All-India Muslim Convention, say at Delhi, and once more to restate the policy of Indian Muslims both to the Government and to the Hindus.

As the situation is becoming grave and the Muslim feeling in the Punjab is rapidly becoming pro-Congress for reasons which it is unnecessary to detail I would request you to consider and decide the matter as early as possible. The session of the All India Muslim League is postponed till August, and the situation demands an early restatement of the Musllm policy. If the Convention is preceded by a tour of prominent Muslim leaders, the meeting of the Convention is sure to be a great success. Please drop a line in reply to this letter as early as possible.

Yours sincerely

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal




28th May, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

Thank you so much for your letter which reached me in due course. I am glad to hear that you will bear in mind what I wrote to you about the changes in the constitution and programme of the League. I have no doubt that you fully realise the gravity of the situation as far as Muslim India is concerned. The League will have to finally decide whether it will remain a body representing the upper classes of Indian Muslims or Muslim masses who have so far with good reason, taken no interest in it. Personally I believe that a political organisation which gives no promise of improving the lot of the average Muslim can not attract our masses.

Under the new constitution the higher posts go to the sons of upper classes; the smaller ones go to the friends or relatives of the ministers. In other matters too our political institution have never thought of improving the lot of Muslims generally. The problem of bread is becoming more and more acute. The Muslim has begun to feel that he has been going down and down during the last 200 years. Ordinarily he believes that his poverty is due to Hindu money-lending or capitalism. The perception that it is equally due to foreign rule has not yet fully come to him. But it is bound to come. The atheistic socialism of Jawaharlal is not likely to receive much response from the Muslims. The question therefore is: how is it possible to solve the problem of Muslim poverty? And the whole future of the League depends on the League’s activity to solve this question. If the League can give no such promises I am sure that Muslim masses will remain indifferent to it as before. Happily there is a solution in the enforcement of the Law of Islam and its further development in the light of modern ideas. After a long and careful study of Islamic Law I have come to the conclusion that if this system of Law is properly understood and applied, at last the right to subsistence is secured to everybody. But the enforcement and development of the Shariat of Islam is impossible in this country without a free Muslim state or states. This has been my honest conviction for many years and I still believe this to be the only way to solve the problem of bread for Muslims as well as to secure a peaceful India. If such a thing is impossible in India the only other alternative is a civil war which as a matter of fact has been going on for some time in the shape of Hindu-Muslim riots. I fear that in certain parts of the country, e.g. N.-W. India, Palestine may be repeated. Also the insertion of Jawaharlal’s socialism into the body politic of Hinduism is likely to cause much bloodshed among the Hindus themselves. The issue between social democracy and Brahmanism is not dissimilar to the one between Brahmanism and Buddhism. Whether the fate of socialism will be the same as the fate of Buddhism in India I can not say. But it is clear to my mind that if Hinduism accepts social demopracy it must necessarily cease to be Hindaism. For Islam the acpeptance of social democracy in some suitable form and consistent with the legal principles of Islam is not a revolution but a return to the original purity of Islam. The modern problems therefore are more easy to solve for the Muslims than for the Hindus. But as I have said above in order to make it possible for Muslim India to solve the problems it is necessary to redistribute the country and to provide one or more Muslim states with absolute majorities. Don’t you think that the Lime for such a demand has already arrived? Perhaps this is the best reply you can give to the atheistic socialism of Jawaharlal Nehru. Anyhow I have given you my own thoughts in the hope that you will give them serious consideration either in your address or in the discussions of the coming session of the League. Muslim India hopes that at this serious juncture your genius will discover some way out of our present difficulties.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Muhammad Iqbal

P.S. On the subject-matter of the letter I intended to Write to you a long and open letter in the press. But on further consideration I felt that the present moment was not suitable for such step.


Private and Confidential,

June 21st, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

Thank you so much for your letter which I received yesterday. I know yan are a busy man; but I do hope you won’t mind my writing to you so often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to Whom the community has a right to look up for safe guidance through the storm which is coming to North-West India, and perhaps to the Whole of India. I tell you that we are actually living in a state of civil war which, but for the police and military, would, become universal in no time. During the last few months there has been a series of Hindu-Muslim riots In India. In North-West India alone there have been at least three riots during the last three months and at least four cases of vilification of the Prophet by Hindus and Sikhs. In each of the four cases the vilifier has been murdered. There have also been cases of burning of the Quran in Sind. I have carefully studied the whole situation and believe that the real cause of these event is neither religious nor economic. It is purely political, i.e., the desire of the Sikhs and Hindus to intermediate Muslims even in the Muslim majority provinces. And the new constitution is such that even in the Muslim majority provinces, the Muslims are made entirely dependent on non-Muslims. The result is that the Muslim Ministry can take no proper action and are even driven to do injustice to Muslims partly to please those on whom they depend and partly to show that they are absolutely impartial. Thus it is clear that we have our specific reasons to reject this constitution. It seems to me that the new constitution is devised only to placate the Hindus. In the Hindu majority provinces, the Hindus have of course absolute majorities, and can ignore Muslims, altogether. In Muslim majority provinces, the Muslims are made entirely dependent on Hindus. I have no doubt in my mind that this constitution is calculated to do infinite harm to the Indian Muslims. Apart from this it is no solution of the economic problem which is so acute among Muslims. The only thing that the communal award grants to Muslims is the recognition of their political existence in India. But such a recognition granted to a people whom this constitution does not and cannot help in solving their problem of poverty can be of no value to them. The Congress President has denied the political existence of Muslims in no unmistakable terms. The other Hindu political body, i.e., the Mahasabha, whom I regard as the real representative of the masses of the Hindus, has declared more than once that a united Hindu-Muslim nation is impossible in India. In these circumstances it is obvious that the only way to a peaceful India is redistribution of the country on the lines of racial, religious and linguistic affinities. Many British statesmen also realise this, and the Hindu-Muslim riots which are rapidly coming in the wake of this constitution are sure further to open their eyes to the real situation in the country. I remember Lord Lothain told me before I left England that my scheme as the only possible solution of the troubles of India, but that it would take 25 years to come. Some Muslims in the Punjab are already suggesting the holding of a North-West Indian Muslim Conference, and the idea is rapidly spreading. I agree with you, however, that our community is not yet sufficiently organised and disciplined and perhaps the time for holding such a conference is not yet ripe. But I feel that it would be highly advisable for you to indicate in your address at least the line of action that the Muslims of North-West India would be finally driven to take.

To my mind the new constitution with its ides o a single Indian federation is completely hopeless. A separate federation of Muslim provinces reformed on the lines I have suggested above, is the only course by which we can secure a peaceful India and save Muslims from the domination of non-Muslims. Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nation entitled to Self-determination just as other nation as in India and outside India are?

Personally I think that the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal ought are present to ignore Muslim minority provinces. This is th best course to adopt in the interest of both Muslim majority and minority provinces It will therefore be better to hold the coming session of the League in the Punjab, and not in a Muslim minority province. The monhth of August is bad in, Lahore. I think you should seriously consider the advisability of holding the coming session at Lahore in the middle of October when the weather is quite good in Lahore. The interest in the All-India Muslim League is rapidly growing in the Punjab, and the holding of the coming session in Lahore is likely to give a fresh political awakening to the Punjab Muslims.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal



11th August, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

Events have made it abundantly clear that the League ought to concentrate all its activities on the North-West Indian Musalmans. The League office bf Delhi informed Mr. Ghulam Rasool that the dates of the sessions of the Muslim League have not been fixed as yet.

This being so I fear it will not be possible to hold the sessions in August and September. I, therefore, repeat my request that the League sessions may be held in Lahore in the middle or end of October. The enthusiasm for the League is rapidly increasing in the Punjab, and I have no doubt that the holding of the session in Lahore will be a turning point in the history of the League and an important step towards mass contact. Please drop a line in reply.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal



Private and Confidential

7th October, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

A strong contingent from the Punjab is expected to attend The Lucknow Session of the League. The Unionist Muslims are also making preparations to attend under the leadership of Sir Sikandar Hayat. We are living in difficult times and the Indian Muslims expect that your address will give the clearest possible lead in all matters relating to the future of the community. I suggest that the League may state or restate its policy relating to the communal award in the shape of a suitable resolution. In the Punjab and I hear also in Sind attempts are being made by misguided Muslims themselves to alter it in the interests of the Hindus. Such men fondly believe that by pleasing the Hindus they will be able to retain their power. I personally believe that since the British Government wants to honour the Hindus who would welcome the upsetter of the communal award they (the British Government) are trying to get it upset through their Muslim agents.

I shall prepare a list of 28 persons for the vacancies in the League Council. Mr. Ghulain Rasool will show you this list. I do hope that this choice will be carefully made. Our men will leave Lahore on the 13th.

The Palestine question is very much agitating the minds of the Muslims. We have a very fine opportunity for mass contact for the purposes of the League. I have no doubt that the League will pass a strong resolution on this question and also by holding a private conference of the leaders decide on some sort of a positive action in which masses may share in large numbers. This will at once popularise the League and may help the Palestine Arabs. Personally I would not mind going to jail on an issue which affects both Islam and India. The formation bf a Western base on the very gates of the East is a menace to both.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal


P.S. The League should resolve that no province should come to any understanding with other communities regarding the communal award. This is an All-India question and must be settled by the League alohe. Perhaps you may go further and say that the present atmosphere is not at all suitable for any communal understanding.


Private and Confidential,

30th october; 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

I suppose you have already read the resolution passed by the A.-I.C C. Your move in time has saved the situation, and we are all waiting for your observations on the Congress, resolution. The Tribune of Lahore has already criticised it and I believe Hindu opinion will generally be opposed to it. However it should not act as an opiate as far as Muslims are concerned. We must carry the work of organisation more vigorously than ever and should not rest till Muslim Governments are established in the five provinces and reforms are granted to Baluchistan.

The rumour is that part of the Unionist Party does not mean to sign the League creed. So far Sir Sikandar and his party have not signed it and I heard this morning that they would wait till the next sessions of the League. The idea as one of themselves told me, is to slacken the activities of the Provincial League. However I shall place you in possession of all the facts in a few days’ time and then ask your opinion as to how we should proceed. I do hope that before the Lahore Session you would be able to tour in the Punjab for at least two weeks.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal




1st November 1937

My dear Mr Jinnah,

Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan with some of the members of his party saw me yesterday and we had a long talk about the differences between the League and the Unionist Party. Statements have been issued to the press by both sides. Each side putting its own interpretation on the terms of Jinnah-Sikandar agreement. This has caused much misunderstanding. As I wrote to you before, I will put you in possession of all those statements in a few days’ time. For the present I request you to kindly send me as early as possible a copy of the agreement which was signed by Sir Sikandar and which I am told is in your possession. I further want to ask you whether you agreed to the Provincial Parliamentary Board being controlled by the Unionist Party. Sir Sikandar tells me that you agreed to this and therefore he claims that the Unionist Party must have their majority in the Board. This as far as I know does not appear in the Jinnah-Sikandar agreement.

Please reply to this letter as early as possible. Our men are touring in the country and forming Leagues in various places. Last night we had a very successful meeting in Lahore. Others will follow.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad Iqbal



Strictly Private & Confidential

10th Nov., 1937

My Dear Mr. Jinnah,

After having several talks with Sir Sikandar and his friends I am now definitely of the opinion that Sir Sikandar wants nothing less than the complete control of the League and the Provincial Parliamentary Board. In your pact with him it is mentioned that the Parliamentary Board will be reconstituted and that the Unionists will have majority in the Board. Sir Sikandar tells me that you agreed to their majority in the Board. I wrote to you some time ago to enquire whether you did agree to the unionist Majority in the Board. So far I have not heard from you. I personally see no harm in giving him the majority that he wants but he goes beyond the pact when he wants a complete change in the office holders of the League, especially the Secretary who has done so much for the League. He also wishes that the finances of the League should be controlled by his men. All this to my mind amounts to capturing of the League and then killing it. Knowing the opinion of the province as I do I cannot take the responsibility of handing over the League to Sir Sikandar and his friends. The pact has already damaged the prestige of the League in this province; and the tactics of the Unionists may damage it still further. They have not so far signed the creed of the League and I understand do not mean to. The session of the League in Lahore they want in April instead of February. My impression is, that they want to gain time for their own Zamindara League to function in the province. Perhaps you know that on his return from Lucknow Sir Sikandar constituted a Zamindara League whose branches are now being made in the province. In these circumstances please let me know what we should do. Kindly wire your view if possible. If this is not possible write a detailed letter as early as possible.

Yours sincerely,

(Sd.) Mohammad, Iqbal




Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Pakistan-India Comparison

  Indian Crime stats

  Pakistani Crime stats

Software piracy rate 69% 84%
Ranked 43rd. Ranked 13th. 22% more than India
Prisoners > Per capita 29.0 per 100,000 people 59.0 per 100,000 people
Ranked 153rd. Ranked 122nd. 103% more than India

  Indian Economy stats

  Pakistani Economy stats

GDP $4,164,000,000,000.00 $437,500,000,000.00
Ranked 5th in 2006. 9 times more than Pakistan Ranked 27th in 2006.
GDP (per capita) $3,751.99 per capita $2,751.54 per capita
Ranked 121st in 2006. 36% more than Pakistan Ranked 131st in 2006.
GDP > PPP $3,362,960,000,000.00 $336,050,000,000.00
Ranked 4th. 9 times more than Pakistan Ranked 25th.
Gross National Income (per capita) $441.56 per person $369.70 per person
Ranked 128th. 19% more than Pakistan Ranked 131st.
Human Development Index 0.602 0.527
Ranked 128th. 14% more than Pakistan Ranked 136th.
GDP > PPP (per capita) $3,113.10 per capita $2,069.02 per capita
Ranked 110th. 50% more than Pakistan Ranked 123rd.

  Indian Education stats

  Pakistani Education stats

Education spending (% of GDP) 4.1% 1.8%
Ranked 82nd. 128% more than Pakistan Ranked 127th.
Average years of schooling of adults 5.1 3.9
Ranked 65th. 31% more than Pakistan Ranked 75th.

  Indian Energy stats

  Pakistani Energy stats

Gasoline prices 0.98 0.87
Ranked 78th. 13% more than Pakistan Ranked 89th.
Oil reserves 5,700,000,000 barrels 341,800,000 barrels
Ranked 21st. 16 times more than Pakistan Ranked 53rd.
Oil Consumption > Thousand barrels daily (per capita) 0.02 per 10,000 people 0.02 per 10,000 people
Ranked 61st. 33% more than Pakistan Ranked 62nd.

  Indian Environment stats

  Pakistani Environment stats

CO2 Emissions 1,007,980 105,983
Ranked 5th. 9 times more than Pakistan Ranked 33rd.
Compare India and Pakistan for all Environment stats

  Indian Government stats

  Pakistani Government stats

Compare India and Pakistan for all Government stats

  Indian Health stats

  Pakistani Health stats

Infant mortality rate 57.92 74.43
Ranked 44th. Ranked 28th. 29% more than India

  Indian Language stats

  Pakistani Language stats

John Doe > Informal names for unknown or unspecified persons in various countries/regions Naamalum (Used in judicial purposes as well, for male, female and child alike) नामालुम (in Devnagri). Translates directly into "unknown." Falana (Male), Falani (Female). This is derived from the Persian equivalent

  Indian Military stats

  Pakistani Military stats

Armed forces personnel 1,303,000 612,000
Ranked 4th. 113% more than Pakistan Ranked 6th.

  Indian People stats

  Pakistani People stats

Population in 2015 1,260,370 193,419
Ranked 2nd. 6 times more than Pakistan Ranked 6th.

  Indian Transportation stats

  Pakistani Transportation stats

Motor vehicles 12 motor vehicles per 100 p 8 motor vehicles per 100 p
Ranked 104th. 50% more than Pakistan Ranked 112nd.